Monday, March 23, 2009

RE: Crisis!

This is sooo what I love...Sorry this is late. Long story...will get to it later.. So as we were saying about outfits....

First things first, you have to look super-sexy.... It's all about getting drunk and grinding boys.. OOPS...bad advice. *giggle* So the red dominatrix (picturing this)....I'm feeling matching that up with high gladiator heels!.... It'll kill the dangerous girl element!...Totally...

I'm feeling these to the right though... I fell like they're different. It's in Ninewest

Or even these...

What do you think? They're both affordable hun and will make a statement.

As for the "Little Black Dress" I have the perfect idea... How about a very thin belt around the waist...Not the usual big bulky belts you get?

It'll give a super sexy look. Plus maybe it shouldn't be brown. A nice bright colour will do!

And for the necklace, I'm thinking heavy. Like really heavy!

You like?

As for the hair... I'm thinking the usual big brown or black curls... Just top it up with smoky eyes...Add a little colour to the smoky eyes though. I hope I helped.

I can't boast of being a fashionista but I think I tried.

LOL...Hope It works out well my luv!

~Truffle Hugs and Cherry Kisses~

Blanche Truffle


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