Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Effin Nerve!

First of all I am sooo sorry for the neglect...School is not easy at all...but soooo much has happened...well not that much but enough to blog about.

First things first I think I can safely say that I am almost completely over the ex! Yayyy!!! How do I know??? There are these two Alicia keys songs that just bring on the waterworks all the time cos I can more than relate... Ive cried everytime I've heard it even before we broke up because the lyrics hit too close to home. Listen to "The thing about love" and "where do we go from here"....Geez i am such a loser when i listen to them...I always bawl my eyes out...Anyways, I listened to each song a zillion times last week and I didn't even feel a lump in my throat. *victory dance*...I actually cannot believe it!!! Thought it would take ages but it didn't however I must confess that it must have something to do with my being distracted by this very appealing guy...lets call him Q. We've been on a couple of dates and the brother is fine and mature and very down to earth...and I think I'm falling for him...BT do u think its a bit too early? what do you guys think?? I mean I know relationship gurus talk about taking time after a break up to "discover yourself" and all that ish but I already have a good idea of who I am and I already know what went wrong (on both sides) in my last relationship...+ Q is very different and refreshing. As cliched as it sounds, I feel like I've known him for ages. We talked about everything and I didn't have to censor my thoughts on whatever we discussed and even though I'm comfortable with him, there's still that sexual tension between

anyhoos...besyds Q, thers two other guys who are interested in me...One is really funny but i don't like him like that + he has a reputation for doing money runs...that can be a good thing for some girls but I don't like wahala o! The other one, I met at a party...he looked really good and everything and when he walked over to me to introduce himself, I was slightly intrigued....except when he leaned in to talk to me...the stench coming from his lips nearly killed a sista! I was so disappointed and turned OFF! how could something that looked so good..smell so BAD...ugh! anyways...I still gave him my number...(I was tipsy) maybe he was having a bad day...But his attitude reeks just as much...Can you imagine the guy came to visit me in school and had the nerve to tell me "guys like me don't come around often so stop fronting"...Damn skippy, guys with breaths like you  definitely do not come around often...okay enough for now Q is it...

anyways this wasn't the main reason for this post although I managed to write an essay before getting to my point...I have to tell you what happened last week...So there was this party in london and a few of us went. At the party, my girl frend introduces me to this guy. and he seemed nice enough and was hitting on my friend. After the party, he came home with us... That's three girls and him... So we were chilling in the living room...and gisting...and we drank a little more. I made some small talk with him but that was about it. So at about 5am I went into my friend's bedroom and passed out on the bed because I was really tired....I fell into some deep ass sleep...I don't know how long i'd been sleeping for but I woke up to find out I wasn't sleeping alone. Whatever was in the bed with me had its body pressed against mine. I froze and was a bit confused and a little scared... I was even more horrified when I realised that the person next to me had managed to put his filthy hands into my bra and was touching me....The fucking nerve! I rolled off the bed and pushed him with all my might off the bed and immediately left the room....

I didn't tell any of my friends about it...They noticed I was acting weird but I didn't feel like talking. I'm a bit embarassed and confused. I'm so glad I didn't have too much to drink. I just shudder at the thought of what else the filthy bastard would have done if I hadn't woken up that instant. Or worse, what if he'd done more when I was asleep. I really don't want to know...anyways as if that wasn't enough...the asshole had the nerve to add me on facebook. I'm actually shocked. What should I do?? I have a good mind to rain all sorts of insults on him...but im not sure. I haven't done anything. What to do?? Can you imagine?!! 

Bt its okay...Im alright...don't worry...I didn't suffer any pschological damage. Im just mad and cannot believe he does not have shame. hissss....What do you guys think?? I love and miss you BT!

                                                                       Truffle hugs and cherry kisses
                                                                       Gourmet truffle


BSNC said...

welcome back. i know school is not an easy something, but we ll survive. Q seems like he is all that..

lol about the guy with bad breath.

thank God you woke up o. imagine the nerve.. don't add him, just ignore the idiot

Miss Enigma said...

Welcome back...U'll be aiight wiv school. I'm feelin d pressure too!

Well regardless of how much you lyk Q and how things jst seem to fit right now, I think u shd still tke ur time. If he rili is interested he won't rush u and he'll respect ur decision to tke it easy. for Mr. Too Damn Familiar pls kindly hit the IGNORE button on d friend request and literally ignore him. Wat nonsense? I jst cnt stand guys who cross boundaries. Frm where to where? Mschewwww....hand inside bra ke? R dey pursuing him from his village?

Lol am guessin u can feel my disgust.

Anonymous said...

that stupid idiot needs to be slapped!! how dare he?! Ugh I'm so irritated. Hiss someone needs to treat his fuck up. Idiot. Anofia. *PISSED*

As for the bad breath guy.. lmao ew.

Gourmet Truffle said...

BSNC: Abi?! Thank God! i don't even wanna imagine. hmph!

UnderCover07: Thanx mayne! i feel you on that! im definitely not gona rush anythng...once bitten thrice shy sef...i nw dey shine my eye well i will defo take my time before i get into at Mr "too damn familiar" inside bra o! im so disgusted! ugh! i cant believe he had the balls to do that. I didnt even talk to the guy that much...Like wtf gave him the impression that he cud try stuff like that....nawa o!

Dee Brighton: i knw ryt! i shud hav slapped him sef! i wish i did...i was just very shocked...nd grossed out but if i bump into him as for the bad breath guy...omo if u smelt it u wudnt be laffin o!lol. then the guy then tells me guys like him r special...hissss....kai! the trials of a single

NaijaBabe said...

I think you should just tell him to eff off cos from the looks of things, you didnt talk about it. I think you should

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