Wednesday, April 8, 2009

?Diet? ~~ What a LOLLIPOP!!~~

On behalf of the Truffles, I, BT apologise for our absence. We are back and ready to blogilize away :D

Does the title seem weird?...Well It's a serious kini o!

Please What is with this dieting movement? What's with the obsession with weight? This is not a Tyra Banks P! It's a young ladies P! It's OK to want to be fit and get flat abs to flaunt this summer {and make the rest of us jealous :-( }, but it is not cool to STARVE.

//To suffer or die from extreme or prolonged lack of food //

How can you deprive yourself of a basic need? To make it worse, some girls be throwing up and becoming bulimic. That's nasty yo! To taste puke after every meal. So where's the nice taste of that chicken gone? I just hope you're not doing it to make "macho" happy. Cuz homegirl if he needs you to die to make him happy, he doesn't want the real YOU! We come in all shapes and sizes and do you know what happens when you try to change that?? You start to look akward. Too many of my friends are going around looking "lollipops". The big rainbow-coloured kind. Big heads and akwardly skinny bodies. NOT COOL! If getting skinnier is good for you health, then go for it! But if you're starving to death ecause it makes you feel better. The OMOGE let's seek some help!

Naija babes, what happened to enjoying our full breasts and round bottoms. Ah ah! Give "macho" something to hold on to! We need to end this nonsensity and end it NOW!
Truthfully, if you are not comfy with your size, exercise and eat healthy. And is this doesn't work, attend a workshop and get things sorted out. On the reals!

I talk to my friends who live in this bubble and attempt to knock some sense into them... If anyone around you is suffering from the "lollipop-syndrome", talk to her o! You don't know what the deeprer prolem is, help her sort things out! Can i get a witness??

~Truffle Hugs and Cherry Kisses~

Blanche Truffle


BSNC said...

yes am with you girl. please tell them o. everybody is different, people should appreciate what God gave them.. thats a nice name for it lollipop syndrome

Blanche Truffle said...

BSNC thanks! What else could I have called it. lol I appreaicate my curviness..lies I have none!


Miss Enigma said...

Lol @ lollipops! Is dat wat they call it now?
But yeah, I totally agree wiv u. But my own problem is different; I want to add weight jo...ahn ahn!

Original Mgbeke said...

I hear you. I believe in good nutritional plans and lots of exercise, no starving myself here.
To each his own. If you're 110 and wan lose 100 lbs, na you biko. LOL
If you're 200lbs and wanna gain an extra 100, na you biko.

Roc said...

"All man for himself and God for us all"

That's what I say..

The number of models falling to their anorexic deaths should be a deterrent.. but still..

Tsk Tsk..!

Blanche Truffle said...

UnderCover 07: That's what I have been hearing, so I coined my own term. And I know someone is shoes. the skinny ones want to add...the fat ones want to lose. I wish we could all just tear from our bodies and dash out and vice versa. LOL. my mind is violent, I know

Original Mgbeke: LMFAO @ at your scenarios. If you have 110ls and you want to lose 100lbs. I suggest you save us from watching you die and jump in front of a Sorry to be graphic :D

RocNaija: I know. But it's hard when it's your friends, and advice will seem like a huge gulp of haterade. I give up. You're right
"All man for himself and God for us all"


Abujamaiden said...

Hehe, Lollipop? I'm even tired of this weight talk, the Nigerian in me doesn't seem concerned. Lose weight if your 'too' overweight and gain for 'something to hold on to.'

juiceegal said...

Dis is so i wnt lie i hv my days
sum days i'm lyk i luv my uk size 12 curviness
den sum oda days wen i get comments lyk "u r fine d way u r dnt jst add any more weight" i freak out and decide 2 go on sum random diet lyk all in all i dnt even hv d willpower 2 starve myself,i love my food too much 4 dat.Nice post.. sum pple def need 2 read dis

LusciousRon said...

This weight issue is taking up too much space in hemisphere. People should do what is right for them.

Blanche Truffle said...

Abujamaiden: Very correct and simple rationale! Lose it or gain it! the key word is "too"

Juicegal: I know what you mean. Our friends can be wicked. They'll say just don't add anymore and make it seem like one extra burger will take you from ok to

LusciousRon: HEMISPHERE?? hahahaha someone is taking geography. Nice one.


LovePaprika said...

I have exams don't even have the time for weight watching :( I think we are just in that 'phase' where we think we have to be careful... most girls (talking about me!!!) rant about weight and complain a lot but really do not actually do anything drastic.. I know I am lazy like that lol

Lolia said...

Funny thing is, I totally don't co-sign starving but sometimes I find that I don't eat because I'm so busy that I forget...It's terrible I know, my friends think I'm crazy...but only when I'm by myself though...when you're with other people food is always joining factor :)

Have a great weekend y'all!

Chomy said...

darling BT thanks for the check in.....

and YES agreed, the lollipop syndrome is not popping.......and i agree instead of letting us sit and watch u die of starvation by force by force, do the word a favour and jump into a moving train, or a river or better yet lock yourself in your house and dont let us have to see you. There are individuals all over the world dying of starvation because there is no food, but here you are wasting valuable food . nonsense, i understand dieting/ working out to look your best or perharps being naturally thin, but if you starve yourself on purpose and kpafinga, nah u sabi...i will gladly walk over you frail body to get the last piece of reduced fat cake.lmaoooo

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